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Things I Wish They'd Told Me - Part 7

"Things I Wish They'd Told Me 8 Years Ago - Part 7"

Course: BB07

presented by

Bonnie K. Baker

This session is the seventh in Bonnie's series of seminars designed to give programmers a better understanding of how DB2 works and how to make it work less. Using analogies and war stories to illustrate the inner workings of DB2,Bonnie will emphasize how a better understanding of DB2 can lead to better program logic and SQL. The session emphasizes good programming techniques and alternative ways of writing SQL on the DB2 for MVS, OS/390, or z/OS platforms.

Topics include: New release performance improvements;DSNZPARMS that programmers should know; Locking timeouts, deadlocks, and escalation issues; Ugly SQL; Understanding and avoiding data integrity exposures; Join methods; More about outer join performance; and much,much more.