Bonnie Baker Corporation

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DB2 Training for User Groups

Do the members of your DB2 user group want DB2 information they can use immediately?

Would you like to run DB2 training that makes your attendees happy, energized and excited?

Are you ready for DB2 training delivered by an world-wide DB2 expert with decades of experience, accolades from user groups around the world...

...DB2 training that delivers?

Bonnie Baker has been delivering DB2 training for developers that provides the information your users need—training they can put into practice when they go back to work the next day. Bonnie has received dozens of notes from class attendees who tell her that implementing one piece of information from her class has changed run times from hours to minutes.

At the end of your DB2 training, the attendees will no longer think of DB2 as a black box they can’t unlock. Instead they’ll immediately begin to save CPU by tuning SQL.

Developers can save their company more than the cost of the class within days.

And you’ll be a hero to your members.

These are the courses that your DB2 User Group members want to see:

Custom DB2 training courses can also be developed for your DB2 User Group.

Availability for this training is limited. Call today to schedule your DB2 training class so your members can start earning kudos in their companies as soon as possible.

Casey (Young) Dawes, former IDUG president, is presently scheduling user group bookings for Bonnie. Please call her at 831-334-2376 or send her an email at caseydawes AT to schedule Bonnie for your user group.